A brand new film is in the works here at Lauren Grace Studios and it will, by far and away, be the most challenging project we've tackled to date! Bouncing back and forth between two centuries isn't the easiest thing for a no-budget teen filmmaker to pull off, but with God, all things are possible! Therefore I'm stepping into this project trusting that the Lord will pull every detail together, despite the many obstacles that stand in our way.
This movie, 'The Ground Beneath Our Feet,' has been in the making for a long time, beginning with a vision my mom had before I ever created my first feature. It seemed way too lofty a concept back then, so it sat on the back burner for almost three years. But by January of 2022, I felt that God was calling us to delve into this monumental project!
Here we are a year later, with completed script in hand, gearing up to begin filming. I can hardly wait to be on set again!
I am so excited to bring this story to life for you! It's one that I believe will touch many hearts. The premise of the film is this: An old diary transports Emma Bryant to the past, where she discovers what’s missing in the present. Is there still hope for the future?
If you'd like to support this film in some way but can't physically be here to help, prayer is the most important thing you could contribute: prayer for the actors, costumes, props, locations, and all the small things that will bring this project to fruition. We would be ever so grateful if you would lift this project up to the Lord!
I want to share as much of God's handiwork with you as possible; therefore I've written below about a few things he's already done for this film!
Although we still don't have every actor we need, God has brought many incredible people to us in the last month! We held auditions twice in January, which honestly is almost as nerve-wracking to me as it is to the actors. I hate to make people nervous, and auditions definitely stir up the butterflies for everyone! :)
Providentially, we were able to cast several of our main characters through these auditions as the people whom the Lord brought fit perfectly into their roles!
We've also seen the Lord's guidance in the finding of locations. From a restaurant to wedding venues, God has been opening doors left and right. We even had total strangers invite us to film a couple scenes at their house!
Furthermore, we've been blessed with an incredible- and I mean incredible!- composer for this film which means my mom won't have to spend copious hours searching for music!
God is definitely at work! I'm certain there will be many more stories to share as this film progresses! We'll be keeping everyone updated here on the blog and on instagram at @thegroundbeneathmovie.
Lauren Grace
I am very excited to see your new film and it is lovely to hear how God has been guiding you all the way. I will be praying. God bless you and your family!
I am so excited to see how God is going to use this film in so many different lives! I will be praying for it every step of the way!❤️
Lauren I am SO excited to hear about your new project! You and your film will definitely be in my prayers. I love so much how God is blessing this project with finding actors, locations, and even music. Just know that He loves to lead you to these 'open doors', and you can feel confident each time this happens. I know He will be the one you lean on as you move ahead, trusting that each step will appear in His perfect timing. God bless, Dear Lauren.